Buying Gear

A Beginner's Guide to Using Disposable Cameras

Disposable cameras may seem like a relic from the past, but they're making a comeback in a big way. These simple point-and-shoot cameras offer a fun and accessible way to get into film photography, without the investment of a pricey film camera.

As a beginner in disposable camera photography, you might be wondering where to start and what to expect. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started with disposable cameras, from choosing the right camera to developing your film.

Choosing a Camera

When it comes to disposable cameras, you have a few options to choose from. Most disposable cameras will have either 27 or 39 exposures, so think about how many pictures you want to take and choose accordingly. Some disposable cameras also come with flash, which can be useful in low-light situations. However, be aware that flash on a disposable camera often gives a harsh, direct light and might not be the best option for portraits.

Another thing to consider is the type of film the camera uses. Disposable cameras typically use 400 ISO film, which is good for general use, but if you're looking to capture more fine-grained images, you might want to look for a camera that uses 800 ISO film.

Composition and Lighting

When composing your shots, keep in mind the rule of thirds, which states that a picture is more visually interesting if the subject is off-center. Another thing to consider is the lighting. For example, using the flash on a disposable camera in low light or indoors can create harsh shadows and washed-out images. Try using available light or a lamp to create a more natural and pleasing effect.

Using the Camera

Using a disposable camera is simple, just point and shoot. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, don't shake or open the camera while you're still taking pictures, as this can cause light leaks and ruin your images. Second, be mindful of the number of shots you have left, so you don't run out of film unexpectedly.

Developing Your Film

Once you've finished using the camera, you'll need to get your film developed. Many pharmacies, department stores and camera shops will offer this service. Prices can vary, so it's a good idea to shop around. Another option is to develop your film yourself, although this requires some investment in equipment and chemicals.

Finally, it's important to keep in mind that with film photography, you're not going to get the instant gratification of digital. It can take a few days to get your film developed, but the wait is worth it. The beauty of film is that it captures a moment in time, not just an image.

Disposable Cameras are a Great Place to Start

In conclusion, disposable cameras are a great way to get started in film photography. They're simple to use, produce great results, and they're a fun way to explore creativity. With a little knowledge and some patience, you'll be on your way to capturing great memories with your disposable camera.

Announcing Our New Online Film and Vintage Camera Store!

We cannot get enough of shooting photographs on film. It is truly a magical experience and requires so much more presence in the process. But if there’s one thing that’s been a huge headache when it comes to shooting film, its getting the supplies and equipment you need out here in rural east Texas. After years of ordering film online and waiting a few weeks to get it, or looking for a camera only to have to buy it from someone who wasn’t even sure if it worked, we’ve had enough and we wanted to find a solution that would help us as well as our community of growing film photographers here east of DFW.

Beginning Friday, April 24th, we will begin to offer select film stocks available for local pick-up or delivery through mail. Our selection of film will be limited at first but we will be growing our selection as quickly as we can develop the supply chain. Initially, we will be offering Kodak films but hope to grow to stock some more obscure and interesting film stocks. We are also expanding our developing services so that you can drop of your film and get it back the next day.

We are also offering vintage film cameras, that have been thoroughly inspected and tested to ensure everything is working properly. You can purchase your next film camera with confidence knowing that it will work properly instead of hoping what you bought on Facebook Marketplace works. We will be offering a wide range of cameras, from point and shoots to DSLR’s in 35 mm, medium format, and Polaroid formats. The selection will of course depend on availability, so check our online store often to see what we have in stock!

We are putting the final touches on our online store and website today and everything should be live tomorrow (Friday, April 24th).

I Want to Buy a New Camera, Which One Should I Get? - Part 1

I get this question a lot.  Having been trying at photography for such a long time now people who have no idea where to start with cameras have often come to me for advice.  And over those years, my advice has changed.  In the beginning, I was a hard-core gear-head.  I told people that they should spend a lot of money and get expensive and complicated cameras because that is what I was trying to do.  Honestly, it was bad advice.  Since I've started,  I've wanted every new camera that has come out.  I've watched every review of every new piece of equipment on youtube.  Heck, I've even added a lot of cameras to my cart on online stores just to see what the cost with shipping and some of the options I was wanting would cost.  I've shopped for and used a lot of cameras over the years and I'm here to tell you that I've finally settled on a philosophy for the eternal question, "which camera should I buy" and I want to pass on what I've learned to you!

Where to start...

Deciding on a camera that is going to be best for you really starts with asking yourself a few simple questions.  The trick however, is in being very honest and objective in answering these questions.  Honesty here is going to make all the difference and could save you thousands of dollars!  You could easily spend too much and get a camera that you cannot figure out how to work and get terrible pictures.  Or, you could spend too little and get terrible picture quality.  Or you can just get the wrong camera for your application all together and just stay frustrated because the pictures you are getting don't look good at all.  When it comes to cameras, honesty is the best place to start.

How Much Do I Have to Spend?

This is the most important question you can ask yourself.  There is a belief out there that if you spend more money on your camera, that you are going to get better pictures.  This couldn't be further from the truth though.  I've taken some really fantastic pictures on some really crappy cameras and lenses.  Your skill and ability are the true determining factors of what makes a good picture.  Equipment is a secondary factor.  I know so many people who have gone out and dropped $1000 to $6000 on cameras and gear and their pictures are absolute trash!  Then they are disappointed and the brand new camera sits in a closet for years.  "Oh, you're a photographer!  I bought a camera a few years ago and I took a few pictures with it but now its just sitting in the back of my closet."  I've seen a whole lot of brand new cameras that have hardly been touched.  So sad :(  Set your budget and stick too it.  Don't get sucked into the features or the megapixel trap.  Megapixels don't make better pictures either!  There is always a lot of upselling in the camera world so don't get trapped and spend more than you intended.  I promise you'll regret it later!

What am I Going to Use this Camera For?

Knowing this in advance helps a lot!  If you've going to be shooting a lot of stock shows, you need a camera that's good at low-light.  If you're going to be taking photos of sporting events, you need a camera with a long optical zoom and a fast shutter.  If you're going to try to do some professional photography you will need a camera with some options to that you can do a variety of work with your tools.  Now, video capabilities are also something to be considered and the quality of video and audio have to be examined as well.  Make a check-list of everything you think you might use the camera for, and prioritize them for clarity.  There is no one magical camera that does it all.  Just like you can have a smooth ride and great gas mileage in a car but can't haul a travel trailer you can't get every thing in every camera, you have to pick and choose.  After you make your list and feel pretty confident start with good old fashioned googling to see what cameras work best for what your number one priority was and just go from there!

What am I Going to do with the Pictures I Take?

Let's be honest, no one really prints photos any more.  Most of us are just going to post them to social media or email to friends and family.  Sometimes they just sit on a card or a hard drive indefinitely.  If you aren't going to be printing images, you need to consider how you are going to store the images long term.  A camera with a lot of megapixels is only going to produce really large files and you have to find a way to store them.  Also, do you have a way to transfer the photos easily from my camera to my computer or phone?  Wifi or cable connection or card slots are an important thing to look in to before you purchase a camera.  So many times people pull their cameras out and find out after taking their third picture that the data card is full, and they really can't delete any of the existing pictures because they haven't downloaded them yet.  Keep your workflow and convenience in mind when it comes to digital storage.  If you are interested in printing your photos, then more megapixels might actually help you get better prints if you are looking to print larger than 8x10's.  Printing and producing physical photos is making a comeback so this may be an actual thing you need to think about when purchasing a camera.  If you go into a store, take an SD card with you and put it in the display cameras and take a few photos and then take them home and print them and see which ones turn out the best!  Its a great free way to try out the camera without making a purchase!

Something to Think About...

I hope I've given you enough to think about for a little while.  My next post will focus on some of the actually differences between the types of cameras to help you get a better understanding of which camera may work better for you!