Where Can I Buy Peel-Apart Film for Polaroid Land Cameras?

The minute Fuji announced they would be discontinuing FP-100C peel-apart film for older polaroid cameras, then film began to fly off of the shelves. The Fuji made film which sold for around $20 per pack was often sold out at the normal places and prices began to increase as people were trying to buy up as much as they could to use or horde and sell later at a ridiculous profit. But because so many people purchased and held on to sell later, even years down the road it is still possible to find the Fuji film in color and black and white. You can even still occasionally find some very expired Polaroid peel-apart film. You also currently have then option to purchase some of the new One Instant pack film from Supersense.

If you’re looking for some film to shoot, here’s a break down of where you can still find Peel-Apart film for Polaroid cameras and what you can expect to pay as well as what you need to watch out for.

Where Can I Buy Peel-Apart Film for my Polaroid Camera?

ONE INSTANT by Supersense


Supersense is a great little group of creative individuals working hard to keep peel-apart film alive. I love their passion and ingenuity, but product isn’t quite the peel-apart film that we are used to. It requires a lot more care and concern when loading and the results are not as uniform as the mass produced FP-100C or even expired Polaroid film packs. With only one shot per paper pack, you have to be a little more careful when loading and you get less of a run and shoot experience. And at almost $40 for three exposures, ONE INSTANT is not the most affordable option for taking instant photos, but it is at least fresh chemistry and it works! And the guys are Supersense are a really great group of creative individuals, so you should definitely go support their efforts.

You can head on over to Supersense’s website to buy a few packs today if you want to give ONE INSTANT a try. CLICK HERE to go to their site.

You can actually purchase Fuji pack film from Supersense as well. They have the best and most consistent stock. The price is also reasonable considering that the film packs are in good shape. You can shop their store HERE.

Buy Fuji FP-100C on Ebay


eBay has been a good place to find Fuji FP-100C for years. The prices have fluctuated but have mostly settled. You can expect to pay at least $66.00 for a single pack of expired Fuji FP-100C. The newer (aka the later the expiration date) the film, the high the cost. You can also purchase bundles of film packs. When purchasing film from eBay, you want to make sure and find some that has been stored in a refrigerator. The liquid chemicals will dry out over time but keeping them cool keeps them from drying out. Most packs of FP-100C sell in the range of $75-$100 per pack.

Buy Polaroid Peel-Apart Film on eBay

Polaroid Pack Film.jpg

Finding actually usable Polaroid pack film on eBay is quite a challenge. Most of the film out there has expiration dates in the 80’s or 90’s. Pricing starts in the low $20’s but that’s in unknown condition. Polaroid film, even when its expired is amazing as long as the chemicals aren’t dried up. I love it even more than the Fuji pack film.

At this point in time, buying Polaroid film is a gamble, but if you can find some that works, its an amazing experience! I’ve bought several packs on eBay, only to have a few work. But the results were well worth it.

Buy Fuji Peel-Apart Film on Amazon

While there used to be a large selection of Fuji FP-100C film on Amazon, it seems that the supply has mostly dried up. At the time of posting only one listing remains at a cost of $828.00 for 5 packs. Listings only appear occasionally so if you’re interested in picking up some real Fuji FP100C, this is your chance! CLICK HERE to go to the listing and place your order!

Buy Peel-Apart Film on Craigslist

Several people have had some luck finding Fuji film on Craigslist. The chances of finding it on your first look are slim, but if you check consistently you have a better chance of finding some for sale. The film used to be listed quite frequently but again, as supplies are being exhausted, they listings are disappearing.

Buy Peel-Apart Film on FaceBook Marketplace

More and more, packs of Fuji peel apart film are showing up on Facebook marketplace. As this film continues to age, you want to be careful about what you buy, making sure to ask the seller about its storage and history. Since there' aren’t as many protections for buyers on Facebook, Caveat Emptor.

Looking for Peel-Apart Film at Garage Sales

This is even a longer shot than Craigslist, but some people have found some really major scores. This is literally as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack, but if you find some, its usually cheap!

You Can Still Buy Pull-Apart Film, But…

Your options are definitely limited and what options do exist out there are expensive. If you have the opportunity to pick up a pack of film, its definitely an experience like nothing else polaroid. The manual process of shooting, pulling, waiting, and then peeling, dealing with the sticky chemicals and discovering the beautiful image you’ve capture, its something every instant photographer needs to experience at least once before all of the film is gone!

If you own a Polaroid Land Camera and want to still find a way to use it, New Land Camera is working on an integral film back for Land Cameras. CLICK HERE to read more about the work they are doing!

Don’t forget to check out our other article discussing if Polaroid would be bringing pull-apart film back by clicking HERE!


New Land Camera Could Bring New Life to Your Old Polaroid


The Impossible I-1 Instant Camera - A Polaroid Film Camera