Is Lomography 800 Color Negative Film Worth Using?

Lomography is the company that actually got me into film photography. I loved the lo-fi and super creative look their cameras and films provided. Back when they were just getting going here in the United States, I was a huge fan and bought Lomography 35mm film almost exclusively for several years before I branched out to the other big brands like Kodak, Ilford, and Fuji.

For the most part, many of their films were just ok and for the price, they just were always as consistent as the big name brands of 35mm film out there. As time went on I found myself using less and less of their film. But during the pandemic, I found myself with a lot of free time and getting bored of my usual film stocks so I decided to order a bunch of Lomography 800 film in 35mm, 120, and 110. 800 ISO film is great because you can shoot indoors, outdoors and everything in between. But does the Lomography 800 film give you consistent and reliable results? Is the Lomography 800 color negative film worth using?

The Characteristics of Lomography 800 Film

Lomography 800 film offers a great dynamic range and a nice grain structure to give you a really versatile film stock. I’ve used this film stock in the past, but hadn’t shot any in several years. I was pleasantly surprised once I started looking at the results I was getting. I had previously thought the film to be good but this latest batch of film really surprised me. I shot this film indoors, outdoors, in bright light, in the dark, with a flash and I kept getting really good results. The film does behave differently in the various situations and you really have to play with it and learn how to use it. Kodak Portra 400, another favorite film stock of mine, is very similar, but I have found that I really do not like a lot of the results of Portra, but I do love Lomography 800 in all of its different reactions.

Beyond the very flexible dynamic range and really nice grain structure when shot at box speed, the film produces really nice subdued color tones in softer light and shade. Brighter lights and flashes bring out a little more punch and contrast. Knowing this and becoming familiar with how the film reacts will give you a lot of ability to control how your images turn out.

Lomography 800 Film is Amazing for Portraits

If there’s one area I feel like this film stock excels, its in portraits. I love the look of skin tones with this film! Regardless of your model’s skin color or characteristics, this film renders skin tones beautifully. While I’ve gotten good results shooting land scapes and city scenes with Lomography 800, I just love using it most when I’m working with a model, getting shots that focus on them. Couple this film with a fast lens for some amazing bokeh and the colors really blend nicely. Whether its neutral skin tones or your splashing color on the subject, this film really does an amazing job.

Is Lomography 800 Color Negative Film Worth Using?

Absolutely! Lomography has a lot of good film stocks out there, but if you’re looking for one film to buy, I can’t recommend the Lomography Lomo 800 film enough. You can use it in almost any situation, lighting condition, and with any camera. It gives you a lot of flexibility and control, once you’re familiar with the film. Lomography also makes it in 35mm and 120 so it will fit whatever camera you’re using. Get a few rolls and find out for yourself how awesome this film is!

Click the link below to order Lomography 800 film from Amazon!


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