Film is Here it Stay According to Eastman Kodak!

Do they still make photo film?

I get this question like a thousand times a week in emails and questions from customers. As an avid film photographer and enthusiast and also the owner of a film lab, I can say that I’m definitely all in on film! But there was a time only a few years ago when I feared that film might be gone forever. And a lot of people already thought it was gone. Do they still make film? I thought that stuff disappeared years ago?

Yes, they still make film for cameras. They still make 35mm film, they still make 120 film, they still make 110 film and they still make sheet film in a wide variety of sizes. And now, Eastman Kodak, the worlds largest manufacturer of color film has announced that they will continue to make film!

As Long as there is Demand

In a call to investors, Eastman Kodak’s CEO, Jim Continenza stated that as long as there was a demand for film, Eastman Kodak would continue to produce it! This comes as a huge relief for all of us film shooters who, in the back of our minds have feared the end of film as the supply chain has slowly crumbled since the film apocalypse occurred in the 2010’s. According to Kodak, film demand remains strong and the market has even seen growth since the pandemic. More and more photographers have been switching back to film for the unique look and feel it gives to images.

We’ve seen drastic increases in demand for disposable cameras as well. Even simple film cameras are popular once again and flying off of the shelves!

Just like Eastman Kodak, Shutter Junkies is equally committed to film and keeping the art and science alive! We are struggling against the failing infrastructure and working hard to support new companies and new technologies that will help propel film to the next level. We’ve been building some great partnerships with some very promising tech companies out there that in the coming months will help us to move our developing production to a whole new level and help us to finally over come our slow and laborious processes and get us back to the speed and efficiency of processing film that labs were capable of in the 1990’s and 2000’s when film was in its golden age.

It takes all of of us to keep film alive!

Kodak has made it clear that it’s going to be a team effort to keep film alive! Keep shooting film and make it more of your daily photography process and remember, every time you choose film over your cell phone you're reviving an entire infrastructure of scientists, artisans, entrepreneurs, and creatives!

Check out the original article at Kosmofoto by clicking here - There’s lots more great information there!


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