When to Use Disposable Camera Flash
Almost every disposable camera on the market today (with the exception of the underwater disposables) comes equipped with a flash. While they all have them, its hard to really know when you’re supposed to use the flash.
When Should I Use the Flash on my Disposable Camera
The general answer is simple, use the flash in any low-light condition. For an experienced photographer, that is an easy to understand term. But for all of you that aren’t used to using film cameras, the term-low light can be a bit misleading. Our eyes automatically adjust to lower light and while the room might seem perfectly bright enough to take a picture, you only tragically find out later on that it was just too dark when you get a black frame with only forms or shadows of what you were trying to take a picture of. As a general rule, here is what we tell our customers about using the flash on their disposable camera:
Always use the flash indoors
Always use the flash at night
Always use the flash at weddings
Always use the flash at parties
Always use the flash at indoor concerts
Always use the flash inside of a vehicle
When you are not sure, just use the flash anyways
Why is the flash on a disposable camera always necessary?
Unlike our eyes and our cell phones, film has a fixed sensitivity to light, meaning that it requires a certain amount of light to make an image on the film. Your camera on your cellphone as well as all digital cameras have adjustable image sensors that can adapt to any lighting environment. The film is fixed and the camera itself is also fixed to one setting. On most cameras you can adjust the shutter speed and aperture, but disposable cameras have fixed settings that cannot be changed. Because of this, disposable camera manufacturers added the flash as a way to compensate. The disposable camera system (film and camera) were specifically designed to work with the flash so that even in very dark spaces, you can turn on the flash and you will be able to produce an image.
Disposable camera photo inside without a flash
Same couple, same pose but they turned the flash on!
How do you turn on the flash on a Disposable Camera?
Each camera is different, but for the most part there are two types of flash systems. Kodak cameras and a few others use a “press to charge” button. Once the button is pressed, a capacitor is charged and the flash will then work several times before completely discharging. Once it is discharged, you have to press the button to recharge. This system usually utilizes an indicator light that grows in brightness from dim to bright to indicate the charge contained in the flash.
Fujifilm Quicksnap cameras use and on/off button. When turned on, the flash is continually charged up by the battery and when turned off that flash will not work. These types of cameras work better at weddings and events in dark spaces where the flash will be needed continuously.
What happens if I don’t use the flash on my disposable camera?
More than likely, you’ll simply get a black frame, which means whatever you were trying to take a photo of won’t make a photo. Once exposed, there is no way to save that image or recover it. There’s nothing your lab can do it developing or in post to really bring that lost image back.
Wedding Reception Photo without the flash
Same wedding reception photo with the flash on
Best Advice - Almost always use the flash
When using a disposable camera, the best advice we can give you is to always use the flash unless you are outside in the direct sun or sand or a snowy place. Even if there’s some light, the flash will help to fill in shadows and give you a more pleasing image!