Film Developing William Brown Film Developing William Brown

Where Can I Develop my Half Frame Film?

What photo labs can develop half frame 35mm film? Here’s a quick overview of places that will and won’t develop your half frame film!

Half-Frame cameras have been around since the 1960’s. They became wildly popular in Japan and as Japanese camera manufacturers began to export them the appeal of the half frame picture format spread all over the globe. Whether you’re buying a vintage half frame camera or something new like the Kodak H35 or the Pentax 17, half frame cameras a fun and make shooting film way more affordable!

Where can I get my half frame film developed?

Once you’ve shot your last half frame on the roll, it’s time to get your roll developed! But sadly, getting half frame film developed isn’t as easy as a roll shot in regular 35mm film format. Photo labs have different capabilities when it comes to Half Frame format film.

Almost any lab can develop half frame film. It’s just a roll 35mm, which is the majority of what all photo labs process. But not all labs are set up to scan half frame film. If you send your film in to a lab that is unable to scan it, they will usually develop it and then just return the negatives to you unscanned, forcing you to have to find another lab that can scan your images and get them digitized for you. Many labs that process half frame film charge extra to do half frame because it can be a slow down in their usual work flow having to deal with a not common format film. To help you sort through the mess, here’s a quick overview of labs that will and won’t develop and scan your half frame film.

Shutter Junkies Photo Lab

Shutter Junkies Photo Lab will develop and scan your half frame film for only $12. You can choose to have your film scanned at a higher resolution for a few dollars more and you can add prints when you purchase processing or just order prints later. And the best thing is that Shutter Junkies does not charge extra to develop or scan half frame film!

To get started, just click here to purchase processing for a roll of 35mm film and selected your scan and print options and you’re good to go!


CVS is a popular place and very convenient for many people to just swing buy and drop their film off. Unfortunately, CVS does not process and scan half frame 35mm film. If you neglect to tell them your roll is in half frame format, they will develop it but then will send it back to you unscanned as they do not have the capability to scan half frame film.


Like CVS, Walgreens also does not develop and scan half frame film. If you drop your film off with them and do not tell them it is half frame, they will also develop it and then return it to you. You will then have to find another lab to get your film scanned.

The DarkRoom

The DarkRoom will develop and scan your half frame film. The base cost for developing a roll of 35mm film is $13 and you have to pay an additional $6 for processing half frame images. This brings the total to $19 per roll to get your half frame film developed at The DarkRoom. They do give you the option to choose if you would like your images scanned as individuals or in sets of two, which most labs to do not.

Walmart Photo

Walmart is another very convenient place for many photographers to drop off film. But sadly, Walmart does not process half frame film. Like CVS, and Walgreens, they will simply return your negatives to you and you will have to pay an additional fee to another lab to get your images scanned.

Reformed Film Lab

The Reformed Film Lab can develop and scan your half frame film images. Developing starts at $12 and there is no extra charge for developing and scanning half frame film, but there is an increased charge for order prints compared to ordering prints for a standard 35mm roll.

Conclusion - Where can I get my half frame film developed?

Half frame film is a fun and affordable photography format and as long as you can find the right lab to get your images developed, scanned, and printed, you won’t notice a difference between shooting regular 35mm and half frame 35mm film. Avoid big box stores like CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart as they do not scan half frame film. Also make sure and check the pricing for half frames as places like The DarkRoom charge extra to process and scan the film. There are a lot of labs out there like Shutter Junkies Photo Lab and the Reformed Film Lab that will process your images for no additional cost!

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