Instant Film, Polaroid William Brown Instant Film, Polaroid William Brown

New Land Camera Could Bring New Life to Your Old Polaroid

NewLandCamera is working to bring new life to our old Polaroid Land Cameras

Land Camera FP100c.jpg

Once Fuji Film announced they were stopping production on FP-100C and FP-3000B peel-apart film, I was heartbroken. Not only was one of my favorite instant film formats going away, but so was my ability to use some of my favorite Polaroid Cameras. Exclusively designed for peel-apart film, these cameras instantly became dust magnets once my film reserves ran out.

Polaroid Peel-Apart Film Cameras


The Polaroid Land Cameras have been around for a long time. There were four generations of the folding colorpack film cameras produced. There were 100, 200, 300, and 400 series cameras produced over the years. While we don’t have time to go through the details of these wonderful devices here, we will come back and revisit them in a future post! Theses cameras are bigger, collapsable range finders, very simple to use and as fun as they are simple.

The only issue with continuing to use these camera is that the batteries are no longer produced. A very simple modification with a new small battery pack is an easy fix for that problem however!

We’ve written in the past about the difficulty in getting film for these cameras. You can read about finding peel-apart film (both Fuji FP-100C and OneInstant Film from Supersense) by CLICKING HERE.

But this post isn’t about peel-apart pack film. Nopeel-apart pack film this is about an entirely different approach to bringing life to those old Polaroid Pack-Film Land Cameras using the new integral film from Polaroid!

What is NewLandCamera?

I was browsing Facebook, wasting time the other day and I came across a post that grabbed my attention. It was nothing more than a picture and a name: NewLandCamera. I couldn’t click fast enough to find out more. It started with just a Facebook page, then I went through their Instagram, and now they’re website is up! NewLandCamera is a company that is focused on the ‘Rebirth of Land Cameras’. My inner fan-boy of the Land Camera leapt with joy. I continued to investigate!

NewLandCamera has designed and is refining a 3D printed device that works with 100-400 series Polaroid Land Cameras and enables them to use Polaroid integral films (I-Type, 600, and SX-70). It appears to be a manual process, meaning that you snap your photo and then have to manually crank the film out. But I’m not upset about this as peel-apart film was also completely manual with having to grab the tabs and pull.

Are you ready to shoot with your Land Camera again? I know I am!

How Can I Find Out More about NewLandCamera?

The easiest way is to head to their website and sign-up for their news letter. They are also actively posting to their social media accounts so make sure you follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

All of the photos here were snagged from their social media and there will definitely be more coming! We will also post any updates that NewLandCamera releases as we eagerly await the release of their adapters!

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